International Organizations

The FMA Liechtenstein is a member of the most important global supervisory bodies. These include the following organizations:


International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO)

The International Organization of Securities Commissions was founded in 1983 and has more than 180 members from over 100 countries. IOSCO is the most important global standard-setter for securities regulation and supervision. The IOSCO Objectives and Principles for Securities Regulation are the benchmark by which the quality of a country's securities supervision is measured within the framework of international assessments. Moreover, the IOSCO Multilateral Memorandum (MMoU) serves as the international standard for cooperation and information exchange in securities supervision. Fulfillment of this standard is a precondition for IOSCO membership. The FMA Liechtenstein has been a regular member of IOSCO since 2011.


International Association of Insurance Supervisors (IAIS)

The insurance supervisors of more than 120 countries are members of this organization. The IAIS prepares international insurance standards and promotes the international cooperation of supervisory authorities.


International Organisation of Pension Supervisors (IOPS)

The International Organisation of Pension Supervisors (IOPS) establishes international standards for the supervision of institutions for occupational retirement provision and promotes international cooperation among national supervisors.


International Conference of Banking Supervisors (ICBS)

For more than 30 years, this conference has been organized every two years by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS). The goal is to promote the international cooperation of banking supervisors and to discuss solutions to shared concerns. The FMA Liechtenstein uses this conference especially to cultivate relations with the Basel Committee.



Moneyval is the expert committee of the Council of Europe on anti-money-laundering and combating the financing of terrorism. This body has been granted the mandate to carry out mutual assessment of member states with regard to compliance with the AML/CFT standards of the FATF. Liechtenstein was assessed most recently in 2007 as part of the Moneyval evaluation mechanism. A new assessment (as part of the 4th evaluation round) is scheduled for mid-2013. As in 2007, this assessment will be conducted by experts from the IMF. In addition to country evaluations, Moneyval especially carries out typological studies on the methods, trends and techniques of money laundering and financing of terrorism.


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