Insurance intermediaries


The information provided under this heading relates to the Insurance Distribution Act (VersVertG) and the Insurance Distribution Ordinance (VersVertV) as applicable to insurance intermediaries, ancillary insurance intermediaries, and reinsurance intermediaries. For information on insurance undertakings active in insurance distribution, please refer to the insurance undertakings heading.

As part of insurance intermediary supervision, the FMA is responsible for execution of the Insurance Distribution Act and the associated Insurance Distribution Ordinance. The FMA carries out the following main tasks in particular:

  • issuing and withdrawal of licences for insurance intermediaries;

  • maintenance of an insurance intermediary register;

  • ongoing supervision of insurance intermediaries;

  • safeguarding of the interests of policyholders, especially by receiving their complaints;

  • ordering of measures to prevent or remedy grievances.

The FMA supervises all activities of Liechtenstein insurance intermediaries and, in this context, also ensures proper supervision of the cross-border activities of Liechtenstein insurance intermediaries in the EEA and Switzerland.


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