The Liechtenstein Financial Market Authority (FMA) points out that the operator of the website freedom-finance[dot]nl is not licensed or registered by the FMA.
It is highly recommended not to use the website www[dot]investgurus[dot]de for financial services, in particular not to respond to offers or to transfer funds.
Licence as a bank or an investment firm (0.25 MB)
Guarantee in respect of the proper conduct of business (0.29 MB)
Prudential assessment of qualifying holdings (0.28 MB)
Reporting obligation of transactions (1.10 MB)
Licence as an e-money institution (0.18 MB)
E-money institution licence checklist (0.18 MB)
Licence as a payment institution (0.25 MB)
Payment institution licence checklist (0.10 MB)
Registration checklist for account information service providers (0.11 MB)
Agents (0.20 MB)
Prudential assessment of qualifying holdings in e-money institutions under the Liechtenstein E-Money Act (EMA) (0.14 MB)
Formation of an insurance undertaking (0.26 MB)
Professional qualification and personal integrity of executive bodies and function holders (0.20 MB)
Checklist regarding the required enclosures concerning the application for approval of a change to the licensing requirements pursuant to Article 19 (1)(a) ISA in conjunction with Article 12 (2)(i) ISA respectively a notification pursuant to Article 20 (a) ISA in conjunction with Article 12 (2)(i) ISA (0.15 MB)
Declaration regarding personal integrity (individual) (0.05 MB)
Declaration concerning other board of directors and/or executive board positions and employment relationships (domestically and abroad) (0.06 MB)
Application for approval of a change of the licensing requirements pursuant to Article 19 (1)(a) ISA in conjunction with Article 12 (2)(i) ISA respectively a notification pursuant to Article 20 (a) ISA in conjunction with Article 12 (2)(i) ISA as well as the confirmation of the correctness and completeness in this respect (0.06 MB)
Checklist regarding requirements for professional qualification and personal integrity in accordance with the principles of the Law on the Supervision of Insurance Undertakings with regard to the assessment of qualified holdings and/or the formation of an insurance undertaking (0.07 MB)
Implementation of the ICT Security (0.21 MB)
Cross-border activity under the freedom to provide services or the freedom of establishment (0.14 MB)
Grant of a licence under the Insurance Distribution Act (VersVertG) (0.44 MB)
FMA's expectations on dealing with risks when providing services to persons abroad (Cross-Border Communication) (German) (0.10 MB)
Outsourcing of functions in accordance with the Liechtenstein Insurance Supervision Act (ISA) (0.25 MB)
Checklist for the outsourcing of functions (0.07 MB)
Change to licensing requirements (change to licence) under the Insurance Distribution Act (VersVertG) (0.53 MB)
Professional qualification requirements under the Insurance Distribution Act (0.10 MB)
Electronic transactions (e-Services) (German) (0.30 MB)
Adressierung der Risiken im Wohnimmobiliensektor und Hypothekarmarkt
Obligations for issuers of securities and security tokens (0.20 MB)
Code of Conduct for the Liechtenstein Fund Centre (0.27 MB)
Derivatives (German) (0.54 MB)
Instructions on establishing a management company (0.30 MB)
Instructions on the UCITS notification procedure (0.11 MB)
Approval of a securities prospectus (0.15 MB)
Guideline on EEA AIF and EEA AIFM notification procedures (0.16 MB)
Instruction on cross-border distribution of funds (0.17 MB)
Compulsory Buildings Insurance Distinctions and special rulesDefinition of building (0.04 MB)
Provision of data for resolution purposes (0.21 MB)
Information to be provided in accordance with level 1 (0.08 MB)
Bereitzustellende Daten nach Stufe 2 (0.08 MB)