Signature Verification

Signature verification of signed documents

Signature verification can be used to determine whether a document has been signed with a trusted certificate and to ensure that the document has not been modified once it has been signed.


Signature verification of signed documents

Electronic documents can be verified online. The document must be saved locally; signature verification is then performed using the following site: Online signature verification.


Online signature verification provides direct information about the origin and integrity of the document.


Signature verification of printed documents

Documents printed on paper can be verified by FMA Central Services.

  • Option 1: Send a physical copy to Financial Market Authority (FMA) Liechtenstein, Signature Verification, PO Box 279, Landstrasse 109, 9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein, or have the document verified at the counter (Reception), Landstrasse 109, 9490 Vaduz, Liechtenstein (business hours).
  • Option 2: Email a scanned copy to with the subject "Signature verification".

The FMA verifies whether the document is an unmodified document issued by the FMA. If the result of the verification is positive, the FMA responds to the enquiry with: "The document you submitted originates from the Financial Market Authority (FMA) Liechtenstein and its content has not been modified". If the result of the verification is negative, the following response is provided: "The document you submitted could not be verified by the Financial Market Authority (FMA) Liechtenstein." In all cases, the response is provided in writing (by email or post).


Note on electronic documents

Official documents can be provided by the FMA in electronic form.


Documents signed by the FMA contain an electronic signature. In PDF documents, the electronic signature is also displayed visibly with a logo, together with the time of signature and verification information.


The authenticity of the electronic signature can be verified at any time. If the document is signed electronically, it can also be determined whether the content has subsequently been modified (see above).


In transactions with third parties, the FMA recommends clarifying acceptance of electronically signed documents in advance.


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