Core principles

The FMA is the independent financial market supervisory authority of Liechtenstein, ensuring the stability and credibility of the financial market, the protection of clients, and the prevention and prosecution of abuse.


We supervise efficiently, consistently, and effectively.

  • We are independent in the fulfillment of our supervisory mandate.
  • We grant licences in a responsible and speedy manner, and our supervision is risk-based, close to the market, comprehensible, and fair.
  • We orient ourselves by the best methods and practices of an integrated supervisory authority.
  • We fight abuse and consistently punish violations of regulations and laws. In this way, we protect the clients of the financial centre and contribute to its good reputation and credibility.

We stand for sustainable regulation.

  • We define minimum standards through regulation and further specify laws and ordinances with guidelines and instructions. For this purpose, we especially involve the professional and industry associations.
  • We implement and enforce international standards. In doing so, we take account of the competitiveness and development of the financial centre.
  • We stand for a good regulatory framework for the financial centre and advise the Government on questions relating to financial market strategy.

We pursue active dialogue.

  • We engage in dialogue with our national and international stakeholder groups. We ensure that we are recognized as a competent and reliable supervisory authority in Liechtenstein and abroad.
  • We contribute to international bodies and promote cooperation with other supervisory authorities. We represent Liechtenstein's interests in this regard.

We think and act entrepreneurially.

  • We always follow the rules and practices of responsible and modern corporate governance. We employ our financial resources cost-effectively and efficiently.
  • We offer our employees an environment where they enjoy to work for the long term, and we promote their skills through basic and continuing training.
  • We communicate in a business-like, transparent, and speedy manner.

We respect and value each other within our team.

  • We are a team, actively valuing each other in our interactions, and we identify with our goals and responsibilities.
  • We are proud to make a contribution to the success of the FMA and the Liechtenstein financial centre.


  • Pages
  • News
  • Warnings
  • Assets
  • Publications
  • Events