Organizational chart

The FMA's organization encompasses the Board of Directors, the Executive Board, four supervision divisions, Operations, Financial Stability and Strategic Affairs.

  • Strategic Affairs

    Strategic Affairs includes Legal/International Affairs, Communications,  and the Secretary of the Board of Directors.

  • Operations

    Operations provide the cross-divisional services of Finance and Human Resources, Information and Communication Technologies, Infrastructure, and Reception.

  • Financial Stability

    Financial Stability includes Macroprudential Supervision and Resolution. The department for Resolution, amongst others, is tasked with drawing up resolution plans. It is authorized – having regard to the resolution objectives – to apply the resolution tools and to exercise its resolution powers. It exercises its functions operationally independent from the FMA’s other organizational units.

  • Banking Division

    The Banking Division supervises banks and investment firms, payment institutions, and e-money institutions.

  • Insurance and Pension Funds Division

    The Insurance and Pension Funds Division supervises insurance undertakings, insurance intermediaries, pension schemes, and pension funds.

  • Asset Management and Markets Division

    The Asset Management and Markets Division supervises asset management companies, investment undertakings (funds) and their management companies as well as crypto-asset service providers.

  • Anti-Money Laundering and DNFBP Division

    The Anti-Money Laundering and DNFBP Division is responsible for money laundering supervision and supervises professional trustees, persons according to 180a Act, auditors, patent lawyers, and other financial intermediaries.


  • Pages
  • News
  • Warnings
  • Assets
  • Publications
  • Events