Regulation / Law / MiFID
Please note that the links listed below refer to a periodically updated legal database for translated legal acts. The current changes to laws and regulations are published in German. They are available on the website
Legal Acts
- Law of 25 November 2005 on Asset Management (Asset Management Act; VVG)
- Law on Bank and Investment Firms (Banking Act)
- Law of 11 December 2008 on Professional Due Diligence for the Prevention of Money Laundering, Organised Crime and Financing of Terrorism (Due Diligence Act; SPG)
- Law of 18 June 2004 on the Financial Market Authority (Financial Market Authority Act; FMAG)
Correlation Table
Guideline •Versicherungsunternehmen •Versicherungsvermittler •Pensionsfonds •Vorsorgeeinrichtungen •Banken •Wertpapierfirmen •Zahlungsinstitute •E-Geld-Institute •Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaften nach VVG •AIFM •Verwaltungsgesellschaften nach IUG 2015 •Verwaltungsgesellschaften nach UCITSG •Wertpapierprospekte •VersAG •VersVertG •EGG •ZDG •EAG •IUG •AIFMG •UCITSG •PFG •BPVG •Solvency II-Richtlinie •FMAG
FMA Guidelines 2021/3
ICT Security Guidelines (0.33 MB)
FMA Guidelines 2021/3
ICT Security Guidelines (0.33 MB)
- Directive 2004/39/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21 April 2004 on markets in financial instruments amending Council Directives 85/611/EEC and 93/6/EEC and Directive 2000/12/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council and repealing Council Directive 93/22/EEC
- Directive 2014/65/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 15 May 2014 on markets in financial instruments and amending Directive 2002/92/EC and Directive 2011/61/EU Text with EEA relevance
- European Securities and Market Authority (ESMA) has published MiFID-Q&As an their homepage. All MiFID-Q&As are availible in the ESMA Library.
Instruction •Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaften nach VVG •VVG
FMA Instructions 2017/1
Instructions on establishing an asset management company (0.28 MB)
Instruction •AIFM •Verwaltungsgesellschaften nach UCITSG •Verwaltungsgesellschaften nach IUG 2015 •Vermögensverwaltungsgesellschaften nach VVG •Versicherungsvermittler •Vorsorgeeinrichtungen •Pensionsfonds •VersVertG •BPVG •PFG •VVG •AIFMG •IUG 2015 •UCITSG
FMA Guidelines 2021/17
Implementation of the ICT Security (0.21 MB)